Prebiotic vs Probiotic – What’s the Difference?

Prebiotic vs Probiotic – What’s the Difference?

If you’re confused about prebiotics vs. probiotics, you’re not alone.

Most people already know what probiotics are, and have probably even consumed them via foods or supplements. But when it comes to prebiotics vs. probiotics, many are less sure about the difference between prebiotic and probiotic activity, or the advantages of taking probiotics that are made with really good prebiotics.

Probiotics are beneficial bacterial strains that can be found in many foods such as yogurts, kombucha teas and kimchi, as well as dietary supplements. Probiotics provide health support in a number of ways, but contrary to popular belief, it’s not really a “probiotic versus prebiotic” thing, since all probiotic superstars would be lost without the support of prebiotics.

Allow us to clarify….

Probiotics 101: A Quick Refresh

Probiotics are best known for their ability to help maintain a healthy gut barrier, support digestion and immune function, but these perks are just the tip of the iceberg.

Probiotics may also help alleviate occasional gas and bloating and they provide support to the colon and small intestines. We could really go on, but the takeaway is that consuming them regularly can be extremely rewarding.

There are many different types of probiotic strains, and each serves distinct purposes in the microbiome, your body’s bacterial ecosystem. Two of the most popular probiotic strains are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which are both ingredients in Probulin’s line of probiotic supplements.

These two common probiotic strains help provide support to your gut and digestive health, but they can’t do it alone.

So When Discussing Prebiotics vs. Probiotics, What Do Prebiotics Do, Exactly?

So, what are prebiotics, exactly?

Because beneficial bacteria are living organisms, they need all of the things that other living organisms need: food, protection and water.

This is where prebiotics come in.

They’re tiny little fibers that literally feed the probiotics, so that the friendly flora can sustain life and do their jobs in your gut.

This is another one of the many reasons your diet is crucial to the proper balance of gut–the bacteria in your microbiome will feed off of what you’re giving them, and probiotics are picky eaters.

Prebiotic fibers respond best to plant-based foods–like fruits and vegetables–over sugary, fatty and processed foods (which so-called “bad” bacteria love, by the way).

It probably goes without saying, but the healthier your diet, the better for your beneficial bacteria. When looking at prebiotics vs. probiotics, a good strategy for digestive support is to add more prebiotic-rich foods to your diet so that they can better fuel your probiotics.

Prebiotics & Probiotics: A Powerful Team for Your Gut

Probiotics are only effective when they’re nourished and thriving. This is why prebiotics and probiotics are a dream team working toward a common goal: supporting your body’s microbiome balance.

This is also why Probulin’s Probiotic supplements are made with whole food probiotic supplements, formulated with plants and prebiotics that ensure that live probiotics are well fed and cared for.

The Probiotic line includes:

Have you considered adding probiotics to your daily routine? If you’d like to learn even more about probiotics and how you can choose, check out our post on how you can choose the best probiotic for you.

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